A couple of points about the important art movements in today’s art sphere

As creativity is definitely a fundamental quality to have actually when making art, knowledge of past art periods is also vital, both as a point for observation and as a source of inspiration.

Looking into any art movements list, especially if you are wishing to start learning much more about art history, one that you certainly need to take into account is Surrealism. Being the basis of lots of conceptual art even currently, the disengagement from reality is absolutely something worth understanding, as it is appropriate to a lot of several means and forms of art. For example, focusing on Ashleigh Berryman’s works as a source of inspiration, one can watch how the digital means we have actually currently can create similar results to the vision of the most prominent Russian surrealist painters, with factors of the unreal being integrated in photographs that portray the earth around us. This goes to show how past art movements are not at all outdated, and can still be established and evolve through the technology we have access to at present.

The relationship between human feelings and their representation is something that is often explored in the various art movements of the last century, and even presently, it is distinctly taken into consideration in the characteristics of modern art. People who work with visual art today often want to be aware of movements such as Expressionism: a place where you can discover this is Marcin Retecki’s photography, who has talked about the relation between said period and his own contemporary interpretation of it widely. The diverse abstract expressionism styles are absolutely driving the evolution of art in modern times, and not just in two-dimensional picture formats, but in a lot of sculpture and futuristic installations as well. As abstract art can commonly be tricky to interpret at a very first glance, knowing much more about the origins of this mindset can help you realise new things the next time you go to an art gallery, and perhaps even implement them in your own creations.

If you are somebody who is interested in making your own pieces of art, or even simply admire the works of a gallery from time to time, it is almost most important to be well knowledgeable about the distinctive types of art you can come across. Many currents of art actually have been inspired by historical occurrences and the state of mankind at the time, showing how interdisciplinary art can be. For this reason, checking out the courses taught at Frank Zweegers Art, one can see both the modern use of photographic approaches and the reflection upon periods such as Impressionism. In terms of art movements in 19th century, the latter started to work on instant impressions of a topic rather than working in a study from a reference picture, and the artists draws the association between this kind of setup and the mindset most photographers would have actually when making their own art.

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